Niseko Transfers

Need a ride to Niseko? We have buses directly from Sapporo New Chitose Airport, to make sure you arrive on time to kick start your Snow Machine experience

We also have return buses available. Seats are limited and bookings are essential. Check out our transfers below and lock them in quick!

不明点はこちらの スノーマシンチームまで お問い合わせください。


We have bus transfers available from Sapporo New Chitose Airport direct to Niseko! Drop off the Hirafu Welcome Centre (most accommodation providers can pick you up from here), with the option to drop off at select hotels. Return transfers also available.

Please see pricing and departure times below.

Sapporo New Chitose Airport > Niseko Hirafu Welcome Centre

Niseko Hirafu Welcome Centre > Sapporo New Chitose Airport


Purchase your bus tickets HERE!  [link to Shopify]